Sigillo Cellars

2025 Snoqualmie Venue Rental

For any large group reservations during business hours, please email


Private Events During Non-business Hours:                                                                                                                                       
Must account for 30 minutes for set-up and 30 minutes for teardown.

Monday 9am-3pm
Tuesday 9am-3pm
Wednesday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-3pm
Sunday 9am-noon or after closing

Friday and Saturday per request.


Private Events During Business Hours:
Complete use of the winery, which would normally be open during business hours.

October through May is a 4 hour minimum, which includes 30 minutes for set-up and 30 minutes for teardown. June through September is a 4 hour minimum. Venue fee for each additional hour, billed in 15 minute increments. 

Monday 3pm-Close
Tuesday 3pm-Close
Wednesday 3pm-Close
Thursday 3pm-Close
Sunday noon-Close

October through May is a 5 hour minimum, which includes 30 minutes for set-up and 30 minutes for teardown. June through September is a 4 hour minimum. Venue fee for each additional hour, billed in 15 minute increments. 

Friday noon-10pm
Saturday noon-10pm


Service Fees
In addition to the venue fee, there will also be a service fee, based on the number of guests.

0-50 guests
50-100 guests
100-150 guests 

At the time of event, we run an authorization on the credit card for a security deposit. If no damage occurs during the event, the transaction will not be processed.


Wine purchase minimums
0-3 hours rental requires 1 case
3-6 hours rental requires 2 cases
6+ hours rental requires 3 cases

These prices do not include catering or rental fees for additional tables, chairs, linens, etc. We offer a 5% discount to all Wine Club members for venue costs.
Individual Wine Club discounts can be applied to case purchases.